Meeting 2nd May 2018
Annual Meeting of Edingale Parish Council
Location: Edingale Village Hall
Date: Wednesday 2nd May 2018
Time: 8 pm
1. To appoint a Chair for the following year. To receive the Chair’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
2. To receive and approve apologies.
3. To receive any Declarations of Interest.
4. To approve the Minutes of the meeting of 9th April 2018.
5. To receive the Clerk’s report.
6. To receive correspondence.
7. To receive Councillor’s reports.
8. To consider any planning matters.
9. To approve the Annual Governance Statement 2017/18.
10. To approve the Annual Accounting Statements 2017/18.
11. To approve draft Standing Orders.
12. To approve Financial Regulations, Risk Assessment, Asset Register, and other policies.
13. To approve a Data Protection Policy.
14. To approve renewal of the Parish Council’s insurance.
15. To receive an update on the bus service.
16. To consider quotes for play equipment in memory of Cllr Norah Mason.
17. To receive the Financial Report.
18. To approve payments on the payment schedule.
19. Date of next meeting (June 4th 2018).
Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Wednesday 2nd May 2018
at 8 pm at Edingale Village Hall.
Members present:
Cllr Wesley
Cllr Cliffe
Cllr Lacey
Cllr Mason
Cllr Startin (Chair)
Cllr Van Arkadie
Mrs M Jones, Clerk, and 7 members of the public.
1. To appoint a Chair for the following year. To receive the Chair’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
The retiring Chair, Cllr Wesley, asked for nominations for Chair. It was proposed by Cllr Cliffe, seconded by Cllr Lacey and RESOLVED that Cllr Startin was appointed as Chair. A vote of thanks was given to Cllr Wesley for his service as Chair of the Parish Council for several years. The Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed. Cllr Startin then chaired the meeting.
2. To receive apologies
Cllr Dhillon had apologised as he was away; the apology was accepted.
3. To receive any Declarations of Interest
There were no pecuniary interests to declare.
4. To approve the Minutes of the meeting of 9th April 2018
The minutes were approved and signed by the Chair.
To adjourn the meeting, to hold the Public Session (maximum 15 minutes) and to reconvene the meeting.
A member of the public reported that the Bridleway in Mill Lane had been blocked and that this was creating a problem for horse riders and for villagers who wished to walk to the National Forest woodland. A barrier had originally been put up to deter fly tippers but it was likely to cause accidents and this should not be kept in place as it was a right of way. The right of way sign had also been removed in the last few days. It was agreed to report this matter to the County Council’s Rights of Way team to be dealt with officially.
5. To receive the Clerk’s Report
Grass cutting – this had now been done, after a delay due to wet weather, and the contractor would be contacted to ask that the grass at Woodyard Drive be cut.
Pothole repairs – these had been chased up but an inspector had not yet visited the site. Highways had confirmed that the gully tops on Croxall Road had been cleaned, if there were still any problems photos should be taken to identify concerns.
Pessall Lane footpath – the County Council were still dealing with this.
Out of control dogs – The District Council had been contacted regarding dogs off their leads in public areas, and a representative of Environmental Health had offered to attend the next meeting. This would be accepted, and the matter would be on the next agenda.
6. To receive correspondence
SPCA bulletins
Sue Arnold, Deputy PCC, asking for everyone to respond to the Rural Crime Survey
Sir Robert Peel Hospital Open Day, May 5th.
District Cllr Ashley Yeates, apologies for the meeting and offering to help with any issues.
7. To receive Councillor’s Reports
Cllr Van Arkadie stated that he would stand down from the Parish Council after this meeting, due to various other commitments. He would put this in writing and the Clerk would advertise the vacancy officially and inform the District Council.
Cllr Mason had painted the fascia boards on the bus shelter, but they would need replacing in due course.
8. To consider any planning matters Planning Enforcement had enquired whether the Black Horse had reopened, this had been confirmed and their file would be closed. The District Council had announced a Local Plan Review consultation from April 30th, Cllrs would discuss a response at the next meeting and details would be publicised. There had also been consultation on the Burntwood Neighbourhood Plan and South Derbyshire Council’s Scoping Report.
9. To approve the Annual Governance Statement RESOLVED to approve the Annual Governance Statement.
10. To approve the Annual Accounting Statement 2017/18 RESOLVED to approve the Annual Accounting Statement. The Annual Governance and Accountability Return would now be sent to Mazars and publicised according to regulations.
11. To approve draft Standing Orders RESOLVED to approve the amended Standing Orders.
12. To approve Financial Regulations, Risk Assessment and Asset Register RESOLVED to approve the updated policies, these would be put on the website.
13. To approve a Data Protection Policy RESOLVED to approve the Data Protection Policy. Further information on the Data Protection Officer would be available soon.
14. To approve renewal of the Parish Council’s Insurance RESOLVED to approve the renewal of the insurance.
15. To receive an update on the bus service No further information on tenders had been received from the County Council. The twice weekly joint hire service with Elford was working well, and voluntary donations had been made to the Parish Council.
16. To consider quotes for play equipment in memory of Cllr Norah Mason. Quotes were not yet available, this would be discussed at a future meeting.
17. To receive the Financial Report The bank reconciliation was given. The precept of £13,000 had been received on 24th April, the total in the current account stood at £14,818. The national pay award of 2% for local government workers had been announced; it was proposed by Cllr Wesley, seconded by Cllr Van Arkadie and resolved to pay the Clerk’s salary on the new rate. The Internal Audit had been held and it was agreed to approve the Auditor’s Report. RESOLVED to approve the Financial Report.
18. To approve the payments on the payment schedule Mrs M Jones, salary and expenses, £329.59; HMRC, PAYE £34.00; Toplis Associates, audit fee, £114.00; Came & Co, insurance, £358.68; Perennial Landscapes Ltd, grounds maintenance, £357.00. RESOLVED to approve the payments.
19. Date of next meeting; Monday 4th June 2018
The meeting closed at 8.30 p.m.